samedi 5 janvier 2013

Picasso Black & White

Why the dominance of Black & White in his Canvas ?
Pablo Picasso claimed that color weakens, so he prefered to highlight the structural shapes and geometric forms in his paintings. He mostly used Cubism as a way to surrealism. Georges Braque and Picasso were the pioneers of this avant-garde art movement in the early 20th-Century. Cubism consists of broken objects reassembled in an abstracted form to represent the subject with different views.

Masterpieces :

The Milliner’s Workshop (1926)
The Charnel House (1944–45)
The Maids of Honor (Las Meninas, after Velázquez) (1957)
Female Nude with Guitar (1909)
Study for Sculpture of a Head [Marie-Thérèse](1932)
Man with Pipe (1923)
Woman Ironing (1904)
The Kitchen (1948)

Link: (Listen to the meaning of his major art pieces)

Picasso's Blue Period:
The Blue Period of Picasso's life retrace his work with a sombre tone. These depressive paintings were influenced by the suicide of his friend Casagemas, but he was also going through a hard period in his life, living far from home in Barcelona and poorly.
Woman Ironing (1904)
Picasso's Rose Period:
Rose as in pink, Picasso's paintings started to lighten with paler tones. The subjects are also less depressing involving circus performers & clowns.

Family of Saltimbanque (1905)

Exhibition Guggenheim New York

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